Barakat Post-doctoral Research Scholarship Guidelines2024-12-31T20:18:16+00:00

The Barakat Trust Grants Programme

The Barakat Trust Grants Programme is now open

** The deadline for all grant applications (except the A3 category) is the 31st of March 2025.

** The A3 Grant Category has two deadlines: 15 February 2025 for submitting an ‘Expression of Interest Form’; then shortlisted applicants must submit their A3 applications on 15 March 2025

The Barakat Post-doctoral Research Scholarship

The application form for this grant category is labeled as the B2. Barakat Postdoctoral Scholarship

** This grant will open on 1 January 2025 and close at midnight GMT on 31 March 2025.

Overview and guidance

The Barakat Postdoctoral Scholarship is intended to enable a Muslim scholar at the beginning of his or her career to spend an academic year — from October to June — in Oxford to carry out a specific programme of research on Islamic art and/or architecture or prepare such research for publication.

Who can apply

The successful applicant shall normally have been awarded a doctorate after 30 June 2020, although the committee is able to consider exceptions (e.g. for maternity leave).

What to expect

The Barakat Postdoctoral Scholarship is designed to be an opportunity and a platform for scholars to conduct their research in Oxford, using relevant Oxford resources as appropriate. It is obviously up to each individual to make of this opportunity what they will – The Barakat Trust cannot provide a taught course of study or of meetings and contacts for each scholar, nor supervise their work. We are merely facilitators – and we hope that each recipient will make best use of the exciting opportunities that conducting research in Oxford will bring.

The Barakat Scholar will not be an employee of the University of Oxford, but will normally be made a Research Associate of the Khalili Research Centre (KRC) and an associate of the Faculty of Oriental Studies of which the KRC is part. He or she will be allocated a desk and workstation in the Khalili Research Centre in Oxford. Several members of the Academic Advisory Committee of the Barakat Trust are based at the KRC. It is also a teaching centre, and the venue for regular lectures and seminars relevant to the art and culture of the Middle East. The Barakat Postdoctoral Scholar will be required to contribute at least one lecture or seminar to the KRC Research Seminar.

The Barakat Scholar will normally be given most of the standard University privileges, such as use of the University libraries and I.T. system, and access to lectures and seminars. The Barakat Scholar is also eligible to apply for membership of an Oxford college as a visiting scholar or research member of common room.

Travel to relevant events, activities or conferences during each tenure is obviously welcomed. However, Scholars are expected to be normally resident in Oxford for the duration of the Scholarship, and participation in weekly seminars during the Oxford term time will be greatly welcomed.

Notes on Finances

The award of £20,000 is intended to cover travel from the recipient’s home to and from Oxford, and accommodation and living expenses in Oxford for nine months. (Applicants planning to conduct research outside Oxford during the tenure of their scholarship may apply for an additional research grant in the regular manner.) The award will normally be paid in nine monthly instalments directly into the recipient’s U.K. bank account.

Visa requirements

The Barakat Postdoctoral Scholar must comply fully with the relevant UK laws governing visas and immigration, and the Barakat Trust Administrator will assist him or her to do so. This can be a complicated and lengthy process, therefore it is important to begin the process as soon as possible after being awarded.


The Barakat Trust regrets that they are unable to arrange accommodation for the Barakat Postdoctoral Scholar, but the Administrator will supply a list of various accommodation agencies.

Before applying

Applicants are encouraged to contact us very early before applications close (i.e., in January or February) with a curriculum vitae and a draft application. This is so applicants can be advised about their applications.

For general enquiries about the application process and the grant itself, email

Please note:

  • To download the correct application form for this category (i.e. the B2. Application Form), go to the Grant Application Forms webpage.
  • To submit your application and supporting documents, go to the Apply Now‘. Applications close on 31 March 2025. We receive many applications, therefore we regret not being able to consider applications after the deadline.
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