The Barakat Trust Grants Programme
The 2025 Barakat Trust Grants Programme is Now Open!
** The deadline for all grant applications (except the A3 category) is the 31st of March 2025.
** The A3 Grant Category has two deadlines: the 15th of February 2025 for submitting an ‘Expression of Interest Form’; then shortlisted applicants must submit their A3 applications on the 15th of March 2025.
Information for current grant holders
If you are already a recipient of one of the Barakat Trust grants, then this is where you will find all of the information you need in order to:
- claim your grant payment;
- report on your activities; and
- promote the The Barakat Trust’s support of the
Please also refer to the information you were sent along with your grant offer letter.
Grantee Profiles
We are keen to promote the work of all our grantees. You can now add your profile and photograph to our website by visiting here:
Grants News Updates
If you would like to keep us updated on latest news regarding your project we do that now by visiting here:
Claim your grant payment
You should have been contacted by the UK office of The Barakat Trust with details on how to claim.
You can download the form to report on your actual grant expenditure here.
Report on your activities
We are currently exploring online reporting and will inform you soon. Until then you can submit a Project Summary to our website using this form
Promote the Support of The Barakat Trust
The Barakat Trust are proud to be supporting your organisation. As a newly awarded project you may wish to announce your funding award to local media, and on social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter.
This is a great way to raise awareness of your project and the difference you are making. It’s also a way to show the public where the money they raise goes, and the impact it makes across the world.
Acknowledge the charity
- Please always use our full title: The Barakat Trust.
- Use the correct logo!
- Identify which media titles to share the release with; you can always phone the news desk to ask whether the story would be of interest, and who the best person would be to share the release with
- Use photography to bring your project to life! If you have images which have full permissions in place and consent has been secured for all parties featured in the images, share them with journalists alongside the press release
- Once you have everything ready and signed off, you can start emailing your press contacts!
- Don’t forget to add in Notes to Editors. Note to Editors follows after the body of the press release. The list provides additional and background information to aid in understanding the story. The press release copy before the notes to editors must be stand alone and understandable but the copy in ‘notes to editors’ might provide broader information and context. Examples of information for notes to editors include a short description of the organisation (called the ‘boilerplate’) and its website link.
Shout to your followers about your new grant; follow us on twitter and include us in your tweet @Barakat_org. Where possible we will aim to retweet your celebratory tweet to our own followers.
Tell your Facebook supporters about your new grant and tag The Barakat Trust into the message by typing (it should automatically suggest us if you’ve already liked our page).
Remember that every time you upload or use an image you need to get the right permissions and consent from all parties.
Tell your Instagram supporters about your new grant and tag The Barakat Trust into the message by typing
Download the logos here:
By accepting your grant award you have made a commitment to acknowledge our support publicly. You should do this by featuring our grant award logo or Lottery grant award logo on all of your related information, marketing and publicity materials.
We hope you will use it widely and regard it as visual recognition of your success.