

A selection of reports on the heritage projects we have supported and funded in the field of Islamic Art, Heritage and Culture since we were founded in 1987

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Interview: The Archaeology of Islamic Sicily – with Angelo Castrorao Barba and the Superintendence of Palermo

Of all the important centres of the historic Islamic World, there is one region that many do not realise was ever Islamic at all: Sicily. We caught up with a recent grantee of The Barakat Trust, Angelo Castrorao Barba. Angelo has undertaken some particularly fascinating research with our grant, studying excavated material from Islamic Palermo in Sicily to better understand what life was like in this multicultural setting, ruled by the Islamic Emirate of [...]

New Podcast: Heritage is Ours with May al-Ibrashy

Join May al-Ibrashy for a conversation about her heritage conservation work in historic Cairo, revealing how the projects she works on put the community first. Find out more about the challenges and opportunities presented by complex urban environments like Cairo, the ways in which significant buildings, like the Shrine of [...]

Ask The Expert: Sami De Giosa

This month's expert is Dr Sami De Giosa. Sami is currently a visiting assistant professor at the College of Fine Arts and Design, University of Sharjah. He was previously a Research Fellow at SOAS University of London in the department of Cultures and Languages and also at the University of [...]

Episode 17: The Importance of the Moon with Ulrike al-Khamis

The Moon has been revered by civilisations all over the world across time. It provides gentle light, sets calendars and regulates the tidal force. Ulrike al-Khamis explores our fascination with this mystical celestial body and looks at the role it has played in faith, science and the arts across the [...]

Episode 18: The Spirit of Hagia Sophia with Bissera Pentcheva

Hagia Sophia has featured in thousands of books and treatises throughout the centuries, many of which have praised the awe-inspiring spaces of this architectural wonder. Yet recently, the building has made headlines for very different reasons, as politics and heritage become entangled. In this week’s podcast, Professor Bissera Pentcheva helps [...]

Kristine Rose-Beers

Kristine Rose-Beers ACR is Head of Conservation at the Chester Beatty in Dublin, Ireland, and an accredited member of the Institute of Conservation (ICON). She graduated from the Conservation programme at Camberwell College of Arts in 2002. Kristine’s research interests include the conservation of Islamic manuscript material, early binding structures, [...]

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