Traditional costumes and heritage of Saudi Arabia

Online online, Rome, Belgium

A special 90-minutes webinar with Richard Wilding, Trustee, Mansoojat Foundation speaking on Traditional costumes and heritage of Saudi Arabia in conversation with Dr. Reem El Mutwalli, The Zay Initiative's Founder. The costumes and jewellery of Saudi Arabia reveal a great diversity of regional and tribal identities, reflecting the Kingdom’s contrasting [...]

Donation only

Persian Patterns

SAOG Studios SAOG Studios, Emerson College, ,, Forest Row, East Sussex, United Kingdom

Explore the geometric genius of the Persian master-craftsmen. Learn the art of compass and straight-edge construction and create a dazzling portfolio of geometric patterns from the Persian tradition with Daniel Docherty at SAOG Studios.


Alhambra Arabesque

SAOG Studios SAOG Studios, Emerson College, ,, Forest Row, East Sussex, United Kingdom

Alhambra Arabesque:The Court of Lions façade Join Adam Williamson for this two day intensive exploring the stunning rosette panel in the Court of Lions, Alhambra Palace, Granada. We will draw the full extended geometric and biomorphic pattern complete with multiple rosettes. The composition that we'll be working with is full [...]


7.1 Dialogues on the Art of Arab Fashion: Tie-dyed Head Coverings of Kutch: Identity, Utility, and Inter-religious Relations

Online online, Rome, Belgium

Dr. Reem El Mutwalli, founder ,The Zay Initiative, in conversation with Shila Desai, Owner & Founder of E.Y.H.O (Tours which specialise in travels centred around material cultures) discussing Shila’s extensive textile-based tours & travels, and Tie-dyed Head Coverings of Kutch: Identity, Utility, and Inter-religious Relation.


7.2 Dialogues on the Art of Arab Fashion: Hwayitah Wa Khamiysa Wa Ghreen: Introduction to Libyan Dress & Adornment

Online online, Rome, Belgium

Dr. Reem El Mutwalli, Founder of The Zay Initiative in conversation with Najlaa El-Ageli, Founder of Noon Arts Projects, a small private arts foundation, with a mission to bring the best of contemporary Libyan art, from both emerging and established artists, and expose it to the world stage, discussing her [...]

Donation only

Manuscripts in Arabic Script: Introduction to Codicology (Online Short Course)

Online online, Rome, Belgium

This online course aims to introduce key concepts in the field of Arabic manuscripts and codicology. It is designed to attract participants who want to learn basic knowledge about Arabic manuscripts. The first day will provide an overview of the field of codicology and its role in the manuscript field [...]

£50 – £80

Education and Networks of Learning in Islamic History (Online Short Course)

Online online, Rome, Belgium

This three-day course is an introduction to the study of pre-modern Islamicate education practices. The course will introduce historical sources and archival material on which our knowledge of pre-modern learning and knowledge transmission is based. In addition, participants will be introduced to innovative digital humanities approaches to the study of [...]

£45 – £75

The Wallace Collection with The Barakat Trust – Behind the Scenes: Conserving Indian Arms and Armour

The Wallace Collection The Wallace Collection Hertford House Manchester Square, W1U 3BN, London, United Kingdom

As part of a major cataloguing project supported by the Barakat Trust, the Wallace Collection is cleaning, conserving and photographing its extensive holdings of Indian arms and armour for the very first time. Meet the curators and conservators involved in this important work through an intimate tour of the Collection’s [...]

A Passion for Tiles with Dr Melanie Gibson

Leighton House Museum 18 Stafford Terrace, London, United Kingdom

An online course organised by Leighton House with Islamic art expert, Dr Melanie Gibson. Join us for a journey of exploration and celebration, sharing our passion for tiles. Across four online sessions, you will develop and deepen your knowledge and understanding of early Islamic tiles, the tiles of Iznik and [...]

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