Decorative Moroccan Painting: The Art of ‘Zouaq’

SAOG Studios SAOG Studios, Emerson College, ,, Forest Row, East Sussex, United Kingdom

with Natasha Mann  ( This two-day course, led by Natasha Mann, will introduce students to the Art of Zouaq. Zouaq is a painting technique original to Morocco which creates arresting and powerful designs. Found painted onto ceilings, doors, furniture and wooden objects it is an integral part of the decoration of [...]


The Silver Ratio

SAOG Studios SAOG Studios, Emerson College, ,, Forest Row, East Sussex, United Kingdom

The Silver Ratio, though less well know than it's shiny cousin, has similar mathematical properties and hence can be used to generate a highly flexible grid structure.​ After an introductory, contextual slide show exploring the proportional qualities of the Silver Ratio and their relevance to pattern design, we will construct [...]


Persian Pattern

SAOG Studios SAOG Studios, Emerson College, ,, Forest Row, East Sussex, United Kingdom

Explore the geometric genius of the Persian master-craftsmen. Learn the art of compass and straight-edge construction and create a dazzling portfolio of geometric patterns from the Persian tradition.  ​ "A brilliant course so clearly and patiently taught. Such a lovely few days and plenty to work with after the course. Totally [...]

TALLI: Silver Between Tradition & Modernity

Dr Reem El Mutwalli, founder of The Zay Initiative, and Paula Quetglas Llop, Creative Director and Cofounder of NIILI discuss a collaborative upcoming exhibition of the same title due to take place at Zaman Awwel, Mall of The Emirates, on 9th May - 9th July. Both Exhibition and talk focus [...]


Mosques in Sub-Saharan Africa (Online Short Course)

Online online

This two-day online course introduces participants to Muslim architecture in Sub-Saharan Africa. Following an introduction on Islamic architecture and mosques, the first session will explore mosques in West Africa, from the Sahara to the tropical forests. The second session will look at the mosques in East Africa, from the Nile [...]

£45 – £75

Geometric and biomorphic pattern making with Samira Mian and Dr Esra Alhamal

Online online

Leighton House and Sambourne House free online courses are back, with an artistic exploration of the geometric and biomorphic patterns found in Islamic design, led by artists Samira Mian and Dr Esra Alhamal. In the first two workshops, Samira will guide you through the compass and straight edge construction of [...]


Silk Road Bazaar

Canopy Market King’s Cross London N1C 4BH Canopy Market, London, United Kingdom

Transport yourself along the Silk Road at the Aga Khan Foundation's artisanal market, rich with traditional craftsmanship, unique products, dance performances and more! The Aga Khan Foundation are delighted to announce the return of the Silk Road Bazaar — an artisan market laden with goods from countries along the historic [...]

Islam and Creativity in Popular Culture

Online online

This is a three-day online course that addresses the many new expressions of mass mediated creative arts that make reference to Islam. These expressions may be motivated by a wish to express an Islamic interpretation or spirituality, but they may also be for other reasons, such as from anti-racism or [...]

£45 – £75

The Search for Light: An Odyssey into the World of Islam

Aga Khan Centre 10 Handyside Street, London, N1C 4DN, London, England, GB

An evening with celebrated photographer Peter Sanders as he talks about his experiences travelling throughout the Islamic world.Join Peter Sanders for a journey through Islamic lands, a voyage that influenced not only his photography but also his system of belief. Peter's photography is truly breathtaking, and it brings the beauty [...]

جلسة سؤال وجواب (رقم 3) بالعربية حول برنامج مِنح وقف بركات | 26 فبراير 2023، من الساعة 4:00 م –5:00 م بتوقيت غرينتش

للراغبين بالتقدم لبرنامج "مِنح وقف بركات" (2023) للحفاظ على تاريخ الفن والعمارة والتراث الثقافي في العالم الإسلامي. دعوة لحضور جلسة سؤال و جواب موعد الجلسة: الأحد 26 فبراير 2023، من الساعة 4:00 م – 5:00 م  بتوقيت غرينتش (الساعة 7:00 م  –  8:00 م بتوقيت مكة المكرمة).     أطلق وقف بركات [...]

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