Alison Gascoigne is an archaeologist, based since 2007 at the University of Southampton, with research interests in the medieval Islamic world, particularly Egypt but also Afghanistan. She has directed, co-directed and collaborated with major fieldwork projects across Egypt, from the Mediterranean coast, via Cairo and the Kharga Oasis, to the first cataract region. She has recently published a monograph (The Island City of Tinnīs: A Postmortem, 2020) detailing the results of a long-term research project at the important late antique and early medieval port city and manufacturing centre of Tinnis in Lake Manzala, Egypt. She is currently undertaking research drawing on fieldwork in Old Cairo/Fustat, and she has also published work undertaken in the mid-2000s at sites in Afghanistan.

Alison’s publications are listed here and here. In particular, she is grateful for support from The Barakat Trust in the production of an Arabic-English booklet about Tinnis (available here); similar booklets were produced as part of her co-directed project at Jam, Afghanistan (available here).