A selection of reports on the heritage projects we have supported and funded in the field of Islamic Art, Heritage and Culture since we were founded in 1987
To keep up to date on our projects and their impact please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
Unearthing Ottoman Greece – A new podcast with Konstantinos Politis
Join Konstantinos Politis as he digs through the long history of the Greek city of Chalkida, from its war-altering strategic importance to its lush date farms. Listen as he discusses his work, as a grantee of The Barakat Trust, exploring the town's Ottoman Heritage, discovering several mosques, and navigating the complexities of Greek identity and how it can incorporate the history of post-Classical Greece. Konstantinos D. Politis is an archaeologist educated in Greece, the [...]
Olive Oil Empires: A new podcast with Anna Leone
Join Anna Leone for a tour through time as she explores life in North Africa from the Roman era to today. Find out how (olive) oil has been driving the world economy since antiquity, how you can tell a lot about a time period by its frying pans, and [...]
Congratulations New Grantee – Ignacio Arce
Congratulations to one of our 2022 grantees! We are thrilled to fund Dr Ignacio Arce of the Madrid School of Architecture, Spain. So what is the project? The project will thoroughly analyse architectural material from Qastal al Balqa. Excitingly, it seems to have been built from the remains of [...]
Congratulations New Grantee – British Museum
Congratulations to one of our successful 2022 grantees! We are thrilled to fund the International Training Programme (ITP) at the British Museum, London, United Kingdom. So what is the ITP? We know museums change lives. To improve museums across the world, this excellent programme teaches exciting and important skills [...]