A selection of reports on the manuscripts projects we have supported and funded in the field of Islamic Art, Heritage and Culture since we were founded in 1987
To keep up to date on our projects and their impact please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
Congratulations New Grantee – Laura Hinrichsen
Congratulations to one of our 2023 grantees! We are thrilled to fund Laura Hinrichsen for her publication. So what is it? About the project: In her upcoming book, provisionally titled The Lost Libraries of Tunis and published by De Gruyter, Hinrichsen explores the medieval libraries of Tunis, long accepted [...]
Congratulations New Grantee – Konstantinos Politis
Congratulations to one of our 2023 grantees! We are thrilled to fund Konstantinos Politis in his research. So what is the project? About the project: The Barakat Trust is delighted to award a grant to Konstantinos Politics for his research into the Islamic heritage of Greece; specifically the Greek city [...]
Unearthing Ottoman Greece – A new podcast with Konstantinos Politis
Join Konstantinos Politis as he digs through the long history of the Greek city of Chalkida, from its war-altering strategic importance to its lush date farms. Listen as he discusses his work, as a grantee of The Barakat Trust, exploring the town's Ottoman Heritage, discovering several mosques, and navigating [...]