Past & Present: Modern Islamic Architecture in the Gulf

Leighton House Museum 18 Stafford Terrace, London, United Kingdom

About the Talk The lecture will discuss modern Islamic architecture in the Arabian Gulf and its recollections of the past. The focus will be the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the State of Kuwait, the Kingdom of Bahrain, the State of Qatar, the United Arab Emirates and the Sultanate of Oman. [...]

The British Mosque: An Architectural and Social History

Asia House 63 New Cavendish Street, London, W1G 7LP, London, England, GB

Description: Join us for a presentation of Shahed Saleem's latest book, the first overview of Muslim architecture in Britain from the earliest examples in the late 19th century, to mosques being built today. Saleem focuses on the way in which the mosque as a new cultural and architectural form has [...]

Free – £10

The History and Archaeology of the Islamic and Crusader Periods: Some Reflections on Methods and Methodologies of Research

Leonard Wolfson Auditorium Leonard Wolfson Auditorium, Wolfson College, Oxford, United Kingdom

This 3-days workshop, organized by Micaela Sinibaldi for the University of Shanghai, explores the topic of methods and methodologies of research for the study of the history of the Islamic and Crusader periods, with a focus on the material sources. The speakers will report on their projects, highlighting how the [...]


Warfare in Muslim Material Cultures: From Egypt to Bilad al-Sham (Online Short Course)

Online online

Military architecture through recent archaeological excavations and arms and armour in the Royal Armouries Collections. The course presents Muslim material cultures in a very specific context: warfare in the Middle East and Egypt during the Medieval and Modern Ages. War played a very important role in Muslim cultures and through [...]

£45 – £75

Mosques in Sub-Saharan Africa (Online Short Course)

Online online

This two-day online course introduces participants to Muslim architecture in Sub-Saharan Africa. Following an introduction on Islamic architecture and mosques, the first session will explore mosques in West Africa, from the Sahara to the tropical forests. The second session will look at the mosques in East Africa, from the Nile [...]

£45 – £75

حوار حول التراث في العالم العربي – الحفاظ على التراث في الظروف الصعبة (Preserving Heritage in Challenging Environments)

تركز الندوة الثالثة من سلسلة المحاضرات على تحديات الحفاظ على التراث في التجمعات العمرانية الصغيرة أو المعقدة   في هذه الجلسة يجتمع ثلاثة من الخبراء البارزين في مجال الحفاظ على التراث من العالم العربي لمشاركة تجربتهم في الحفاظ على .التراث في سياقات صعبة في اليمن ومصر وفلسطين   أ. د. [...]

The Islamic Baydha Project: reconstructing the post-urban phase of Petra

University of Warsaw

The Islamic Baydha Project, directed by Micaela Sinibaldi since 2014, is part of the broader Late Petra Project, that aims at reconstructing the history of the Islamic period in Petra. This research has demonstrated , over the past years, that, contrary to what was commonly thought in the past, there [...]


International Conference on Islamic Architecture and Traditions

International Conference on Islamic Architecture and Traditions aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of Islamic Architecture and Traditions. It also provides a premier interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and [...]

جلسة سؤال وجواب (رقم 3) بالعربية حول برنامج مِنح وقف بركات | 26 فبراير 2023، من الساعة 4:00 م –5:00 م بتوقيت غرينتش

للراغبين بالتقدم لبرنامج "مِنح وقف بركات" (2023) للحفاظ على تاريخ الفن والعمارة والتراث الثقافي في العالم الإسلامي. دعوة لحضور جلسة سؤال و جواب موعد الجلسة: الأحد 26 فبراير 2023، من الساعة 4:00 م – 5:00 م  بتوقيت غرينتش (الساعة 7:00 م  –  8:00 م بتوقيت مكة المكرمة).     أطلق وقف بركات [...]

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