Scholarships and research2021-11-24T13:54:56+00:00

Scholarships and research

A selection of reports on the scholarships and research projects we have supported and funded in the field of Islamic Art, Heritage and Culture since we were founded in 1987

To keep up to date on our projects and their impact please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Religious and Biogeographic Identity in Qarakhanid Communities

Religious and Biogeographic Identity in Qarakhanid Communities Samarkand, Uzbekistan, 2016. Grantee: Elissa Bullion About the project: Elissa Bullion received funds from the Trust to conduct human data collection in Samarkand, Uzbekistan on medieval human osteological materials. The overarching aim of the project was to collect demographic and morphological skeletal data [...]

Perspectives on Early Islamic Art in Jerusalem

Lawrence Nees is the current H.Fletcher Brown Chair of Humanities holder at the University of Delaware. He received a  grant from the Trust to help publish his book Perspectives on Early Islamic Art in Jerusalem which was released in 2016. His book is a very detailed yet also user friendly [...]

Kenyon Institute

The Barakat Trust helped the Kenyon Institute(Jerusalem) librarian Hussain Gheith continue his part time job. He has been instrumental in developing the library collection which continues to include a core collection of works on modern Palestinian history to serve the [...]

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36th Association of Art Historian Conference

The Barakat Trust endowed Hamid Keshmirshekan with a grant which enabled him to be able to participate at the 36th Association of Art Historian Conference held at the University of Glasgow between the 15th and the 17th of April 2010. [...]

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