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Zakat Support2023-03-06T14:47:22+00:00

35 years of support


Over 700 projects supported


Over 40 countries

Zakat Support

The Barakat Trust has survived on the generosity of its individual and corporate donors. The Barakat Trust needs your support to continue its work.

Each year The Barakat Trust raises funds to provide financial aid for tuition and fellowships, conservation, excavation, publications, exhibitions, conferences, and surveys.

Please give generously to support our continued legacy.

What is Zakat?

Zakat, or almsgiving, is one of the five pillars of Islam, along with prayer, fasting, pilgrimage (Hajj) and belief in Allah (SWT) and His Messenger, Prophet Muhammad (SAW). For every sane, adult Muslim who owns wealth over a certain amount – known as the nisab – he or she must pay 2.5% of that wealth as Zakat.

“…and those in whose wealth there is a recognised right, for the needy and deprived” (Qur’an 70:24-5)

Zakat Support

Support our annual grant-giving programme by making a donation!

The Barakat Trust has survived on the generosity of its individual and corporate donors. The Barakat Trust needs your support to continue its work. Each year The Barakat Trust raises funds to provide financial aid for tuition and fellowships, conservation, excavation, publications, exhibitions, conferences, and surveys.

Your donation will contribute to enabling us to support and promote the study and preservation of Islamic art, heritage, architecture and culture for future generations.

  • £11,500 will fund a senior scholar on a taught masters
  • £23,000 will fund an International Studentship
  • £1,725 will fund a travel grant for fieldwork and study, attending conferences, and participating in educational and/or training programmes
  • £11,500 will fund a research, educational and/or training programmes, and other projects relating to the archaeology, the conservation and the history of the material and visual culture of Muslim societies.
  • £8,050 will fund a conservation project or the training of a conservator in the fields of Islamic art and architecture.
  • £6,900 will fund a major publication on Islamic art, architecture, archaeology etc.
  • £11,500 will fund making available online any major collection of Islamic art, architecture and archaeology
  • £20,700 will fund Postdoctoral Scholarship at the University of Oxford
  • £13,527 will fund a University of Oxford Studentship

Please give generously to support our continued legacy.

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Examples of projects supported!

Constructions of Power and Piety in Medieval Aleppo

In the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, the Ayyubid dynasty brought unprecedented architectural development to Aleppo, the most important city in medieval Syria. While early Islamic empires usually expressed their grandeur by founding new cities with vast extra-urban palaces, the Ayyubids asserted their power by "modernizing" [...]

The Monuments of Historic Cairo: A Map and Descriptive Catalogue

Comprising thirty-one maps at a metric scale of 1:1,250 and a descriptive catalogue, The Monuments of Historic Cairo marks the first time that the city's significant architectural heritage has been mapped in ground plan within the present-day urban context. The work surveys an area of [...]

Early Persian Painting : Kalila Wa Dimna Manuscripts of the Late 14th Century

"Kalila and Dimna" or "The Fables of Bidpai" is one of the gems of world culture, having been translated through the centuries everywhere from China to Spain. "Kalila and Dimna", like the fables of Aesop or Lafontaine, are subtle and suggestive moral tales - a [...]

A Survey of Architectural Remains along the Mughal Highway from Agra to Lahore

This study makes use of the primary sources like ancient texts, and medieval chronicles retrieved initially from Indian archives, and studies of archaeological survey of India reports, district and state Gazetteers. Author : Subhash Parihar The publication can be purchase from here : https://www.abebooks.co.uk/9788173053351/Land-Transport-Mughal-India-Agra-Lahore-8173053359/plp

Constantinopolis/Istanbul: Cultural Encounter, Imperial Vision, and the Construction of the Ottoman Capital

A symbolic locus embodying myriad meanings, the political center of the eastern Mediterranean, and one of the old world’s largest urban centers, Constantinople was the site of large-scale urban and architectural interventions. Changing visions—the changing political, cultural, and religious orientations of those who lived there [...]

Glossary of Arabic terms for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage

Glossary of conservation terminology (Arabic-English and English-Arabic) developed by Dr Hossam Mahdy for the ATHAR programme and intended for conservation professionals working in the Arab region. This is a preliminary document distributed to invite discussion and comments. Author : Hossam Mahdy This publication in pdf [...]

Sultans and Mosques : The Early Muslim Architecture of Bangladesh

Before the Mughal style came to dominate the Islamic architecture of the Indian sub-continent, Bengal and its rulers had developed their own forms. The mosque architecture of the Independent Sultanate period (from the 14th to the 16th centuries) represents the most important element of the [...]

Living with Heritage in Cairo: Area Conservation in the Arab-Islamic City

The Arab-Islamic city has been always a glamorous urban dream in human cultural memory. This is manifested in Cairo, the world's largest medieval urban system where traditional lifestyles are still implemented. Nevertheless, despite the extensive efforts to preserve Historic Cairo, it is sadly vulnerable. Ahmed [...]

Rashid Al-Din : Agent and Mediator of Cultural Exchanges in Ilkhanid Iran

Rashid al-Din (1274-1318), physician and powerful minister at the court of the Ilkhans, was a key figure in the cosmopolitan milieu in Iran under Mongol rule. He set up an area in the vicinity of the court where philosophers, doctors, astronomers, and historians from different [...]

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Vernacular Architecture of the Western Sahara in Egypt: Al- Dakhlah Oasis

The Barakat Trust gave a grant to Dalia Nabil Aly Abdul-Ghany who wanted to study elements that shaped the physical forms of the medieval towns of al-Qasr and Balat on the urban and interior architectural level, learn more about their qualities of living that they [...]

Imperial Women in Mughal India: The Piety and Patronage of Jahanara Begum

At the height of the Mughal Empire's wealth and power, Jahanara Begum, a 17 year old princess, became the head of the imperial harem. Imperial Women in Mughal India shows how this unmarried princess was able to transcend the customary and religious restrictions imposed on [...]

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