Congratulations New Grantee – Agnieszka Bystroń

Congratulations to one of our 2022 grantees! We are thrilled to fund Dr Agnieszka Bystroń for her research as she embarks on a promising career. So what is the project? Ceramic assemblage from Dr Bystroń's previous fieldwork at al-Zubārah in northern Qatar. About the project: Dr Bystroń's [...]

The Pearling Path: A Webinar about the Revitalisation of Muharraq, Bahrain, with Noura Al-Sayeh

Join this webinar for a first-hand account of a remarkable award-winning project to create a pearl trail on the island of Muharraq in Bahrain. Muharraq was the centre of the world pearl trade until the commercial production of cultured pearls in the late 1920s led to its rapid economic decline. Its buildings reflect the social and economic life that gave this small island global significance as a trade centre for high quality Arabian pearls.

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