• Scholarships and Research Projects

    A selection of scholarships and research projects



A selection of reports on the conservation projects we have supported and funded in the field of Islamic Art, Heritage and Culture since we were founded in 1987

To keep up to date on our projects and their impact please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Digitising the K.A.C Creswell’s International Collections

Between 2018 and 2019 the Barakat Trust funded Omniya Abdel Barr's very ambitious project to enhance the Creswell archives in six International collections. K.A.C Creswell's works are held by at least five institutions and in private collections. And together they constitute an invaluable The project provided digitisation, cataloguing and extensive [...]

Shuqayra Conservation Project

Shuqayra Conservation Project: Phase I, West-Central Jordan, 2017. Grantee: ZAKARIYAN.BENBADHANN NA’IMAT, Islamic Archaeology Research Unit at the University of Bonn, Germany About the project: The project undertook three main tasks:  1) a detailed artistic and architectural documentation of the mosaic pavement, 2) a complete diagnosis of the current state of preservation [...]

Religious and Biogeographic Identity in Qarakhanid Communities

Religious and Biogeographic Identity in Qarakhanid Communities Samarkand, Uzbekistan, 2016. Grantee: Elissa Bullion About the project: Elissa Bullion received funds from the Trust to conduct human data collection in Samarkand, Uzbekistan on medieval human osteological materials. The overarching aim of the project was to collect demographic and morphological skeletal data [...]

101, 2014

“Mamluk Patronage: An Expansion of a Traditional Concept.”

By |Categories: Archaeology, Conservation, Publications, Scholarships and research|0 Comments

Iman R. Abdulfattah, Doctoral candidate in Islamic Art and Archaeology at the University of Bonn The grantee is well acquainted with the School of Mamluk Studies (SMS). It was created in 2014 to foster and [...]

101, 2012
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Ornament and space in the Islamic architecture of southeast Europe, 15th-19th centuries

By |Categories: Archaeology, Conservation|0 Comments

In 2012 the Barakat Trust gave a grant to Dr Maximilian Hartmuth, Professor of Art History at the University of Vienna. His research project was predicated upon delving deeper into the Islamic architectural heritage of [...]

101, 2012
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The Museum of Islamic Art, Berlin

By |Categories: Archaeology, Conservation, Education and Engagement|0 Comments

In 2012 the Barakat Trust gave a grant to the Museum of Islamic Art, Berlin. The exhibition was titled "Vorsicht Glas! Zerbrechliche Kunst 700-2010". It was dedicated to 1,400 years of creative and diverse treatment [...]

101, 2012


By |Categories: Archaeology, Conservation, Publications, Uncategorised|0 Comments

RAB‘A OF SULTAN QAITBEY(monument # 104), Eastern Cemetery, Cairo A publication accompanying the excavation of the Mausoleum of Sultan Qaitbey in Cairo which took place from August 2016 to March 2017 by ARCHiNOS Architecture [...]

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