Jeddah: Crossroads of the World – A new podcast with Ahmad Angawi

Join celebrated artist Ahmad Angawi as he explores how Jeddah has been influenced by many cultures, from Morocco to Indonesia, and how Jeddah has influenced them back. Learn about the cultural exchanges that pilgrimages brought, explore the traditional woodworking that Ahmad is helping to keep alive, and discover how [...]

Congratulations New Grantee – British Museum

Congratulations to one of our successful 2022 grantees! We are thrilled to fund the International Training Programme (ITP) at the British Museum, London, United Kingdom. So what is the ITP? We know museums change lives. To improve museums across the world, this excellent programme teaches exciting and important skills [...]

حوار حول التراث في العالم العربي – الحفاظ على التراث في الظروف الصعبة (Preserving Heritage in Challenging Environments)

تركز الندوة الثالثة من سلسلة المحاضرات على تحديات الحفاظ على التراث في التجمعات العمرانية الصغيرة أو المعقدة   في هذه الجلسة يجتمع ثلاثة من الخبراء البارزين في مجال الحفاظ على التراث من العالم العربي لمشاركة تجربتهم في الحفاظ على .التراث في سياقات صعبة في اليمن ومصر وفلسطين   أ. د. [...]

New Podcast: Secret Geometry with Wael Sabry

Join Wael Sabry on his quest to save the ancient craft of Kundekari - complex wooden geometry. Sabry is  tracking down the few remaining master carpenters in Turkey and Egypt, trying to learn their carefully-guarded secrets, hidden even from father to son.  Discover how he is using technology to [...]

New Instagram Guest Curator: Almoatasem Bellah Haggag

We are very happy to introduce our next Instagram guest curator, Almoatasem Bellah Haggag, who will be curating a series called "Cairo Inside Out". Almoatasem Bellah is an electrical engineer by training and a self-taught, avid photographer, based in Cairo. Having studied Islamic geometry for more than 3 years, he [...]

Egyptian Applique Work in a Global World

A talk/demonstration with Hany Abdel Kader and Mohamed Abdel Wahed, two Egyptian master-stitchers who will demonstrate their ancient craft. About this Event The craft of applique work (similar to quilting) has flourished in Egypt for at least 1000 years. Traditionally used to make magnificent ceremonial tents and banners, today the [...]

2020-09-24T09:24:56+01:00Tags: , , , , |

“Heritage and Heritage Guardians” – a new article about the work of The Barakat Trust

The work of The Barakat Trust was recently featured in this Arabic article in a leading Egyptian newspaper, Al-Masry al-Youm. The article focuses on the impact The Trust has had over the past 30 years, namely by building the capacity of professionals in the field of heritage and museum studies [...]

2020-03-25T21:47:34+00:00Tags: , , |

Documenting Historic Commercial Buildings in Bulaq – Cairo

As a first stage towards preserving a valuable neighbourhood of historic Cairo, a team of four art historians and two conservation architects will survey and assess the conservation state of historic commercial buildings in the area of Bulaq, Cairo, the city's historic river port. Bulaq is a largely overlooked quarter [...]

2019-10-02T12:21:14+01:00Tags: , , |
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