The Search for Light: An Odyssey into the World of Islam

An evening with celebrated photographer Peter Sanders as he talks about his experiences travelling throughout the Islamic world.Join Peter Sanders for a journey through Islamic lands, a voyage that influenced not only his photography but also his system of belief. Peter's photography is truly breathtaking, and it brings the beauty [...]

News: Diriyah Biennale Foundation announces Hajj Terminal in Jeddah as the location for first-ever Islamic Arts Biennale

Curatorial Team from left to right: Sumayya Vally, Dr. Julian Raby, Dr. Saad Alrashid, Dr. Omniya Abdel Barr, Diriyah Biennale Foundation Diriyah, Saudi Arabia, 6 June 2022: The Diriyah Biennale Foundation (DBF) is proud to announce that the inaugural edition of the Islamic Arts Biennale will take place at [...]

Interview: The Archaeology of Islamic Sicily – with Angelo Castrorao Barba and the Superintendence of Palermo

Of all the important centres of the historic Islamic World, there is one region that many do not realise was ever Islamic at all: Sicily. We caught up with a recent grantee of The Barakat Trust, Angelo Castrorao Barba. Angelo has undertaken some particularly fascinating research with our grant, [...]

Congratulations New Grantee – Shahira Yatim

Congratulations to one of our 2022 grantees! We are thrilled to provide a scholarship to the exceptional Shahira Yatim and fund her studies with one of our annual studentship grants. So what is the course? About the grantee: Miss Yatim is a bright and promising student, whose world-class education The Barakat [...]

Jeddah: Crossroads of the World – A new podcast with Ahmad Angawi

Join celebrated artist Ahmad Angawi as he explores how Jeddah has been influenced by many cultures, from Morocco to Indonesia, and how Jeddah has influenced them back. Learn about the cultural exchanges that pilgrimages brought, explore the traditional woodworking that Ahmad is helping to keep alive, and discover how [...]

Congratulations New Grantee – Abdul Rehman Qadir

Congratulations to one of our 2022 grantees! We are thrilled to provide a scholarship to the brilliant Abdul Rehman Qadir and fund his studies with one of our annual studentship grants. So what is the course? About the grantee: Mr Qadir is a brilliant young student, whom The Barakat Trust is [...]

Congratulations New Grantee – Agnieszka Bystroń

Congratulations to one of our 2022 grantees! We are thrilled to fund Dr Agnieszka Bystroń for her research as she embarks on a promising career. So what is the project? Ceramic assemblage from Dr Bystroń's previous fieldwork at al-Zubārah in northern Qatar. About the project: Dr Bystroń's [...]

Congratulations New Grantee – The Kairouan Manuscript Project

Congratulations to one of our 2022 grantees! We are thrilled to fund The Kairouan Manuscript Project in their project. So what is the project? About the project: The Barakat Trust is proud to fund the Kairouan Manuscript Project for a second year so that they may continue their excellent three-year [...]

Congratulations New Grantee – Kristyna Rendlova

Congratulations to one of our 2022 grantees! We are thrilled to fund Kristýna Rendlova in her research. So what is the project? About the project: The Barakat Trust is delighted to award a grant to Kristýna Rendlova for her doctoral fieldwork in Istanbul, Turkey. Her research explores the depiction of architecture [...]

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